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Game Mechanics!

Since Our Home is a puzzle game there needs to be some basic mechanics built for the sake of manipulating the puzzles. At this stage of development we are planning for four basic mechanics, climbing, jumping, grabbing, and burrowing. Only the cat will be able to use climb and jump, and only the wolf will be able to use grab and burrow. All four of these mechanics will inherit from a base class that sets up the basics of triggering the event so that there is not too much repeating code

3 of the mechanics are essentially the same thing, climb, burrow and jump will all trigger an animation and move the player that used it from one position to another. This has made these fairly simple to program as the only requirements are to trigger an animation and move the player.

The grab mechanic however is much more complicated as it need to allow a player to move another object in the world without creating any issues in terms of collisions or strange movements. When the grab mechanic has been activated the player snaps to a location on a side of the box and its current position is stored. In the next frame the new current position will be compared to the old current position and the box will be moved in that direction. This is obviously fairly simple but the issue becomes complicated due to the fact that the grab object is a physical object that is being moved by non physical forces. Avoiding wall clipping and completely passing through walls due to this has been my biggest issue so far.

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