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Gold Has Begun, So much bug fixing!

We're now at the final stage of development for Our Home, and the problem for this week is bug fixing. Due to general issues that come with this being our first project, mainly including us not knowing how to properly judge how long everything will take or how to stay on track, we are now running slightly behind with our bug fixing and testing.

Our two biggest problems at this stage is that we have not got all of our animations in the game yet, and due to confusion in the nodeChecker script there are many bugs with the push pull.

Due to a push for time we have left it slightly to late to check to ensure that all the animations and distances of all animation related objects in the level are properly set up. This means that the animations for the jump and climb do not connect correctly to the positions that the cat should be jumping and climbing from, however since the wolf's animations are simpler to implement we have gotten those in the game.

There are also problems with the push and pull objects in regards to the cat often jumping into positions that it should not be able to go. I have worked out that many of these are stemming from a lack of understanding of the nodeChecker script, as I clearly did not explain it properly to my designers. I have found the script placed on objects without having the node placed in the proper locations as well as found it on objects that in no way need it. This will be important for me to keep an eye on in the future whenever i am giving code I have written to people who may not know exactly how I expected it to work.

On the plus side we have gotten most of the game working smoothly and our art is now in, making it look absolutely gorgeous!

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