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Work for the Holidays!

I've finished my course for the year!

To keep myself ready and prepared for next as well as to improve my portfolio to help me find work in the future i will need to do a few projects over the break. so far i have plans for a few projects as following.

1. I will be attempting to recreate the nemesis system from the game Shadow of Mordor. I will be doing this in C++ as I have been told that the second year of my course starts with an intense amount of C++ and this will help me to regain my skills for it which I have not used since the Our Home project began.

2. I will hopefully be able to partake in the global game jam in January next year as this will give me a chance to work on finishing a game in a limited time frame.

3. My final project will be to attempt to create a graphical engine as this will be the first project we do next year. I will be following the Open GL tutorials which can be found online to guide me through this process.

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